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Postural Control

The postural control system allows for maintaining posture, stability and balance when moving against gravity and in and out of midline. This leads to the ability to anticipate and adapt to balance challenges in the environment. This system is a factor in developing a sense of body awareness in space by providing an unconscious awareness of the orientation of body parts and position related to the center of gravity.


Postural control impacts gross motor and fine motor functioning. A stable core  provides a solid base of support which allows the arms and legs to be able to move with precision and control. These movements are dependent on the coordinated contraction of specific muscles as well as joint stability.


Postural control and stability are required for developing fine motor skills. Without good postural control, a child may have difficulty maintaining an upright sitting posture and may fatigue easily when sitting at a desk in school. When postural control is adequate, the hands may be used effectively for working on tabletop tasks, such as writing and cutting with scissors. For the hands to work well, strength, stability and mobility are required in the shoulders and forearms as well as in the wrist.  These are all important components for developing precise finger control.

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